Hua Hin to Ban Krut

Bicycle Adventure Tour

(4 Days / 3 Nights)

Please contact us now to make your reservation include as much information as possible. If calling, please call directly as we need to talk to the actual customers

+66 (0) 81-173-4469 English language only


31,750 THB/Person


Easy to Moderate


35-75 km/day

Group Size


Ride Time

4 days

Escape the touristy beach resort of Hua Hin and visit the tranquility of some of Thailand’s lesser known coastal paradise beach resorts by bicycle. Join us for a 4 day magical journey from Hua Hin to Ban Krut along the Royal Coast of Thailand as we visit the many sites there are to see while cycling through beautiful countryside and beach-side roads.

For those of you that have heard of our Tour de Thailand Charity Rides, this is the ideal sample of the routes we take with shorter distances and more sightseeing and activities thrown in.

This adventure also includes a bit of trekking, monkey feeding (nice ones), sightseeing, some unique and beautiful temples, an aquarium visit, a boat ride, and more.


Distance: 55 km – Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Today will be through Hua Hin, Khao Tao, Pak Nam Pran, Khao Khalok (option to climb a nature trail) and Pranburi Beach along more beachfront roads to finish the day’s ride on Sam Roi Yod Beach. Upon arrival at our beachfront resort we will get settled and take the van to lunch on Bang Phu Beach before taking the boat around to a private beach where we will climb up and then down into Tham Phraya Nakhon Cave. The climb is a bit of a workout itself but well worth the visit to this spectacular cavern that has been visited by at least three of Thailand’s Kings in the last 150 years. Then it’s back to the resort for more rest and relaxation before dinner.

Distance: 76 km – Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

About 20kms into our ride through Khao Sam Roi Yod National Park we will stop and visit Wat Khao Daeng (Red Mountain Temple) that sparkles and glitters with picturesque limestone mountains all around it. Riders will then have the option to dismount and climb Khao Daeng to its viewpoint for spectacular views of the park and its untouched mountains and coastline. After arriving at yet another beachfront hotel we will get cleaned up and take the van onto the Wing 5 Air Force Base for a nice lunch on one of our favorite beaches – Ao Manao Beach (Lime Bay). Riders can choose to stay and enjoy the beach or head back to the hotel to enjoy the pool and stunning beach views. Later in the afternoon we will have the option to climb to a hilltop temple with many steps (about 400) to negotiate in order to take in more breathtaking coastal views. Dinner will be at the hotel overlooking Ao Prachuap (Prachuap Bay), the small islands, and the colorful fishing boats as the sun sets behind us.

Distance: 76 km – Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

About 20kms into our ride through Khao Sam Roi Yod National Park we will stop and visit Wat Khao Daeng (Red Mountain Temple) that sparkles and glitters with picturesque limestone mountains all around it. Riders will then have the option to dismount and climb Khao Daeng to its viewpoint for spectacular views of the park and its untouched mountains and coastline. After arriving at yet another beachfront hotel we will get cleaned up and take the van onto the Wing 5 Air Force Base for a nice lunch on one of our favorite beaches – Ao Manao Beach (Lime Bay). Riders can choose to stay and enjoy the beach or head back to the hotel to enjoy the pool and stunning beach views. Later in the afternoon we will have the option to climb to a hilltop temple with many steps (about 400) to negotiate in order to take in more breathtaking coastal views. Dinner will be at the hotel overlooking Ao Prachuap (Prachuap Bay), the small islands, and the colorful fishing boats as the sun sets behind us.

Distance: 48 km – Meals: Breakfast and Lunch

We will lead a nice leisurely ride down the beach road to Bang Saphan and back just to take in more beautiful beach riding before coming back to our favorite town in Thailand for another afternoon in paradise. The ride will get us back in time to take a swim in the soothing pool the resort has to offer or simply head to the beach for a swim in the Gulf of Thailand. After lunch we will start to head back to Hua Hin and then Bangkok or help riders who wish to go elsewhere get the transfers they need. For those that wish to stay in Ban Krut (our personal favorite) for a few more days of beach paradise we will be happy to help make hotel and transportation arrangements.

  • Comfortable 2 ½ to 4 Star Accommodations with Air Condition, Hot Water, and Swimming Pools for 3 nights.
  • All boat fees (1 – 2 boat rides) and aquarium entrance fee
  • Food for Dusky Langur monkeys
  • The opportunity for Thai Massage should be available almost every night (not included).
  • All meals from pick-up to drop-off are included
  • Ice cold bottled water, electrolyte mix, and fresh fruit (watermelon, pineapple & bananas) will be served at water stops every 18-28 KM during the ride.
  • Return transportation to Hua Hin from Baan Krut as well as full time support vehicle with A/C and more during the tour. Assistance in finding transport further north or south is also available. There will always be a support vehicle behind the last cyclist.
  • Park entrance fees for Sam Roi Yod National Park
  • Quality Marin Hybrid bicycles that are perfect for this tour, helmet and water bottle, basic bike maintenance, replacement tubes, spare bike, and bike cleaning on day off.
  • Licensed Tourism Authority of Thailand Tour Guide and Thai/English translators.
  • Support Staff to help with handing out ice cold water & chilled fresh fruit, repairing flats, and squirting riders with cool water (optional) etc.
  • First Aid Kits and basic tools in support vehicle.
  • Basic Thai Tour Insurance
  • Airfare to and from Thailand
  • International Travel Insurance (required)
  • Accommodations before and after the tour itinerary (we are happy to help)
  • Transportation to places other than Hua Hin or Bangkok (we are happy to help)
  • Special Bike Accessories like pedals for special shoes, personal saddles, bike computers, etc. (if you bring we are happy to install)
  • Alcoholic Beverages (we occasionally buy a round)
  • Massage
  • Tips for tour guide and driver

This tour works best starting on a Saturday

The following information is needed when booking

  • Contact person and mobile number (if possible)
  • The full name of each rider (for insurance) and their height (for bike sizing)
  • Your location (hotel, etc.) for pickup scheduling
  • Any special dietary requirements (allergies, religious etc)

We ask for a 50% deposit to confirm the booking (we usually send an online invoice) and the remaining 50% can be paid in cash during the tour.

Please contact us now to make your reservation

Email: (Please include as much information as possible)
Phone: +66 (0) 81-173-4469 (English language only)

**If calling, please call directly as we need to talk to the actual customers**

Please contact us now to make your reservation include as much information as possible. If calling, please call directly as we need to talk to the actual customers

+66 (0) 81-173-4469 English language only