Rolling Across Thailand

Bicycling from the border of Myanmar across the entire width of Thailand to the coast was an adventure I won’t soon forget. That the route I took was at the narrowest point of Thailand (just 12 kilometres wide) is beside the point – I can still honestly say I bicycled...

On Your Bike! Guided Bicycle Tours in and around Hua Hin

You see more bicycles on the road each day, pedal biking is becoming very popular indeed. A great way to avoid the traffic, a healthy way to exercise and on top of that you see so much more compared to being in a car. Several companies are offering guided bike tours...

Tour de Thailand 2014

Tens of thousands of people each year take cycling holidays.  It’s possible that like-minded individuals can take these cycling holidays with more in mind than just another bicycle ride in a foreign land. Imagine a premium quality cycling tour that is fully supported,...